Monday, April 11, 2011

Celebrating the Saving Work of God, J.I. Packer

Not my usual area of reading but picked up this four volume set over a year ago. Decided it was time it was read. This volume is a collection of 18 theological papers given at various conferences or written up in journals and brought together in this first in the series of Shorter Writings. The whole range of theological study is on offer: the Trinity, Covenant theology, person and work of Christ, justification, universalism, and an extended section on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. It is unlikely that a Covenanter minister would agree with all that an Anglican brother would write and that is the case for me too. Packer is a master with words and has a head for difficult doctrines and the ability to communicate what he wants to say. By and large I was with him in most things with the odd exception. In one or two places he is a bit more generous to Rome than I liked. But apart from that there is much of benefit in these papers.

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