Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Bassa Heart, Gbile Akanni & Noel Davidson

A Bassa Heart is a biography of Robert Hyslop who left Northern Ireland to go to work amongst the Bassa people of central Nigeria. Having had the privilege of being in Kogi state to minister to some Bassa pastors in May 2011 I was naturally fascinated by this account of how the Lord used one man for the blessing of many. If you are after a literary masterpiece you will be frustrated by this volume. If you are wanting to witness how God works amidst the imperfections of His people then this will encourage you. There was much in this account of an independent missionary that I simply couldn't square with the Scripture - praying for raising from the dead, independency, tongue speaking. However there was much in this biography that warmed and stirred the heart. Robert Hyslop had what any servant of God needs, a heart for the people and a passion for the honour of the Lord. If you have interest in mission in Nigeria this will stir you and inform you. I had that sense in reading that this man was a giant in the faith, sold out on serving Jesus Christ. On reading this book I couldn't help but think of what McCheyne said, that it was great likeness to Christ that the Lord blesses. Mr. Hyslop displayed that likeness in sacrifice, service and faith.

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