Saturday, January 30, 2010

Real Men Find Church too Girly

The title is from an interesting article from the Times on 27th January. Apparently church services are now 70% female and only 30% male. The article suggested that girly love songs were the turn off for men along with men wearing frocks. Think of the torture a man would have to go through to sing song 912 in Mission Praise, Oh I was made for this to know your tender feet were made to dance...or 943 There is none like you none else can touch my heart like you...or 980 Draw me close to you...never let me feel your warm embrace. What man in his right mind would sing that even if he wasn't an exclusive psalm singer!
So what will bring men back to church? Obviously only the renewing power of the Spirit of God will make men and women willing to bow before King Jesus. Yet alongside of this God uses means like proper preaching, robust Biblical worship, and Biblical leadership. I don't imagine that the apostles were men with manicured nails, soft voices and all proper. The Lord called rough fishermen to be his instruments for taking the gospel to the world. I can't imagine any of them swinging along in a church service repeating I love Jesus over and over in a mindless manner. No those real men sang real songs, warrior songs, actions songs, battle songs, songs that spoke of heroism, sacrifice and commitment. And the good news is - we still have them - the PSALMS!
And as for preaching. The preaching of the Lord Jesus Christ drew men to be fishers of men. His call was to follow, give up all, go, leave everything, there is a world to reach, sinners to save, no turning back, be radical, fall before His Kingly power. When the preaching of pulpits rings with His Word and His Spirit moves the hearts of men - the pews will fill with men wanting to be the real men that only the gospel will make them.
I am so thankful that as I look round my congregation that it teems with real men.

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