Saturday, August 28, 2010

Ministries of Mercy Tim Keller

This book has been around since 1989 and only now am I getting to read it. In typical Keller style the parable of the Good Samaritan is unpacked in a way that no one else could. His basic thesis is that as believers we are called individually and together to mercy ministry. This is a call for us to open our eyes and see the wounded and dying all around and to minister to them in the name of Jesus Christ. The book is divided into two main parts - principles and practice. I have to admit I started to read this in the camp of thinking - "don't get caught up in mercy ministry it will lead you away from gospel proclamation." Having read this through once I am now in the camp of thinking, "one reason why we have so little success in gospel proclamation is that we are so little involved in mercy ministry." This is a book I plan to reread and work the principles out into my life and the lives of those around me. This is a book for every deacon to read and inwardly digest. It is a book for every church member to read in order to get involved and spearhead mercy ministry in the church.

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