Monday, October 18, 2010

The Reformed Pastor - Richard Baxter

Each year after the RP minister's conference I try to make a list of things that need seeing to in my life and ministry. One of the points on this year's list was to read again this classic.
I first read this abridged version of the Reformed Pastor nearly twenty years ago when training for the ministry. It is 125 pages of absolute gold dust. It is Baxter's exposition of Acts 20v28 "Take heed therefore unto yourselves." The book has three main sections: oversight of ourselves; oversight of the flock and a third section of pure application. The first two sections each have three subsections: nature, manner and motives re oversight. Every page is littered with sentences worthy of the highlighter pen. Obviously it is primarily for the pastor but since Baxter took time to include a preface for the "lay reader" it is a book designed to be a blessing to all of the people of God. If the Lord spares me to labour on in the ministry for 20 more years I hope to have read this 20 more times. Any man training for the ministry must track this down and read it and reread it until it becomes the warp and woof of your life.
Ps - on the look out for one of these trendy preaching caps and trying to work on the facial hair!

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