Monday, December 17, 2012

JC Ryle Matthew

I just couldn't resist the £15 ministers set of JC Ryle's Expository thoughts on the Gospels.  And now I have finished volume 1 - Matthew.  Just the next section each morning as part of the daily devotions.  Better than any daily Bible reading note.  Ryle had that knack of feeding the people of God winsomely and wooingly.  This was a man who loved Jesus Christ and it just flowed from him.
Can't wait to get started on the next volume.
It is not too late to get the set for someone for Christmas.  Not sure if the minister's discount is still in operation  so you can but it for your minister but you can get the set for £55 at any decent bookshop.  This is just a must as far as Christian reading goes.

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