Monday, February 04, 2008

The Hand of God - F.S. Leahy, Banner of Truth

For three years between 1991 and 1994 I had the priviledge of having the late F.S. Leahy as my Systematics prof at the Reformed Theological College, Belfast. This, the last book to come from his pen before his sudden home calling is filled with the thoroughness study and devotion for Christ that I remember his lectures to have been. As the title suggests this book traces the workings of the Sovereign God in the world and in the life of His people.

Every chapter is written in the prof's characteristic clear, concise and compassionate style. When I read the chapter on guidance it was just like the day I went to speak with him looking for advice on how to discern the will of God on an important choice that lay before me. "David, do you believe that God guides?" "Yes, Professor." "Then pray that He will guide you, use the mind that the Lord has given you, make your decision and know for sure that He has guided you." I did what he said and found great blessing.

Every chapter is woven together by a man who knew the Word so thoroughly. Each of the clear stacato sentences has been carefully crafted and compassionately set before the reader. Each chapter has a little nugget, a dazzling gem to stir the thoughts, a perceptive comment mined from decades of servant leadership amongst the people of God. As each nugget appeared I could see the Prof in my memory. That critical moment in the lecture. For thirty minutes he wouldn't have wavered from the text printed on the hand out. Then came the pause. The hand slowly raising to that inside pocket of his neat jacket where his shining Parker pen always resided. It was then carefully laid under the line of the text to mark his place and then came the jewel we had been waiting for. If only I had noted them down.

This marvellous book has many of those pen moments that kept his students on the edge of their seats.

This little Banner book of some 207 pages is gold dust from beginning to end. Read it, and take to heart for the blessing of your soul

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