Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The Salvation of Souls - Jonathan Edwards

This absolutely fantastic little hardback book published by Crossway Books is a series of nine previously unpublished sermons on the call of ministry and the gospel. Each sermon is given a careful and informative introduction setting the scene of where, why and when the sermon was preached. For young men considering the gospel ministry there is a lot of helpful material here. It should be compulsory reading for any man in training for the ministry. For men in ministry there is a lot here to sharpen the focus of your life, particularly the very last sermon entitled, "The work of the ministry is saving sinners." This is also a helpful book for ministers to get ideas from when asked to preach at an ordination and or installation.

As I read again some Edwards I am reminded of one great regret that I have in my mid forties, namely that I didn't read Edwards in my formative years. If you have good eyesight buy the two Banner volumes. If you have excess money buy one of the Yale edition books of sermons. Even if you only buy one a year. They will knock you back about £50-60 a volume. If you can read on line all Edwards material will soon be on line. Personally I think that buying one or two volumes of the Yale version each year would be the best idea. If you haven't read any Edwards before start with Marsden's marvellous biography.

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